Artist Spotlight: Katherine Akmulun via BOOOOOOOM!

Charlie Sparks @ Nature One

Like Cheese and Wine

Go read Opplopolis, a 20-chapter comic, online while listening to an old indie bossa album of Ana Frango Elétrico.

The former is currenlty getting kickstarted to turn it into a revised print edition, while the latter seems to get ready to release a new album, if a new video on YouTube can be interpreted thusly.

You can and will thank me later!

The Quietus

It’s hard to keep up with anything media-related these days. No matter what medium (or combination of) is used in the end, if it is possible to put it on the internet someone will have done so. Said internet is stepping on all the gas-pedals and it seems to have forgotten that there is a brake right beside it (or left? I can’t drive a car).

Fortunately there are sources to keep up to date with certain corners/streams and The Quietus is my preferred portal in all things british independent music. They do other types of culture but their main pull is music in form of regular reviews, national news, eclectic essays, etc pp.

For the last few years it has become a ritual of sorts to use an off-day and go through their “Best albums of xyz” (here is the first half of 2023)-features. It takes a whole day because the loading time for the page itself is about an hour and one spends the other 23 of them listening and making notes of genres, bands, and artists you had no idea existed.

Andrea Luper’s paintings shine a light on the overwhelming parts of everyday life @ It’s Nice That

Wild Talents: Pynchon, Gaddis, and Charles Fort — Steven Moore via Metafilter


Catching up on my inboxed RSS feed material, two entries caught my eye. They were pre-caught by Andy Baio over at As usual I just regurgitate them.

EXPI by p01 – Precise and minute JavaScript instructions that render a pulsating sun one JPEG per second.  Made for Assembly, a demoscene event that has further goodies.

Cliquart – More JavaScript images created and re-creatable on the fly. I’m very fond of the Loop Art trio. Their prescriptions read almost like poetry.


“hmmm” (luv443) by dj luv

Rijkscollection @ Rijksmuseum Amsterdam via Webcurios

Perfect Saviors by The Armed via r/indieheads