Tag: Photography

Clean Slating

My RSS Reader is bursting with links I wanted to stuff in the Media Bites and there is this ominous “surf“-bookmark folder with about 30 links (of which about five might make the final cut) for the same purpose. Why not cram it all into one post, I wondered, like I did with way too many spekulatius cookies the past weeks? There might or might not be any music so you might or might not want to open a 5hr set of Floating Points in a new tab.




Casey Joiner via safelight paper

Outing the Global South: “Foreigners Everywhere,” the 60th Venice Biennale Arte, Pleasantly Cancels Itself Out @ Filthy Dreams

PASSENGERS – Marc Volk @ safelight paper

Culture Vultures Say Cheese: Filthy Dreams’ 60th Venice Biennale Fashion Report @ Filthy Dreams

Scaffolding’s Day @ Dennis Cooper’s

Rebecca Horne Photography via this isn’t happiness

Distance – Li Hui @ safelightpaper

Ralph Steinegger via Booooooom

Fav Photos Found in 2023: 75 Photos by 75 Photographers @ BOOOOOOOM!