Tag: Movies

Verdict 30001 The Cookies – by Henna Välkky & Samuel Häkkinen via This Newsletter Cannot Save You

The Era-Defining Aesthetic of “In the Mood for Love” via

Alan Clarke Day @ DC’s

Scaffolding’s Day @ Dennis Cooper’s

‘Mulholland Drive’: David Lynch’s Surrealist Masterpiece Bridges the Gap Between the Conscious and Subconscious Mind @ Cinephilia & Beyond

The Ballad of Hank McCain @ Cinema Sojourns

Something Good #28 Revisited: Satoshi Kon – The Lost Interview via

“And So On”: Kieślowski’s Dekalog and the Metaphysics of the Everyday @ The Criterion Collection

“Why Do Movies Feel So Different Now?” [A dive into Metamodernism] by Thomas Flight via Metafilter