Culture Vultures Say Cheese: Filthy Dreams’ 60th Venice Biennale Fashion Report @ Filthy Dreams

It’s OK to Say if You Went Back in Time and Killed Baby Hitler via Adactio

Night Creature by Rosie Tee via The Quietus

Caitlyn Doran via BOOOOOOOM

{ feuilleton }

I first stumbled upon John Coulthart, whose journal we are looking at today, because he drew a few card illustrations for Magic: The Gathering back in the day. Later on Warren Ellis blogged about him in a websites-to-follow-list. There must have been an even earlier version of said list because I’m sure that I followed the {feuilleton} before 2022.

Coulthart is an illustrator by day and a prolific blogger by night. His blog is a visual delight where one can find Japanese prints of cherry blossoms next to discussions about Moebius’ comics and short films based on letters from William Burroughs.

A regular feature I’m always tempted to copy knowing full well that I would abandon it a fortnight later, are his Weekend Links, which are self-explanatory.

Cursed (from Tokyo Time) by Rosie Dastgir @ Strings

Italian Disco vs Italo Disco via Dirt

the html review 03


You are not hallucinating like most of the protagonists in The Imperfection, my audiodrama du jour. To combat my Frühjahrsmüdigkeit I redesigned this blog.

Still white, still mostly links (“It’s called ‘curation’ and it’s an art!”), still so many websites to blogroll-review

Horse Soup by Vladimir Sorokin @ n+1