The rectangular cows of Art UK via /r/casualUK

Mafalda for Dust & Grooves[Interview] @ Dust & Grooves

Home by Brooke Emily @ The Offing

The Digital Antiquarian

When Jimmy Maher releases a new blogpost at The Digital Antiquarian, which happens about every two weeks, it goes straight into my Instapaper account and I can’t wait to ride the bus, which is where I do most of my Instapaper reading.

He is creating a history of computer gaming / electronic entertainment and I happen to be someone who started at seemingly the right age to enjoy a retelling of his past sitting in front of a Commodore 64, Amiga 500, 386 PC, etc.

Verdict 30001 The Cookies – by Henna Välkky & Samuel Häkkinen via This Newsletter Cannot Save You

‘Attacks’ by Goodhost via /r/listentothis

Japanese Crime and Mystery Writing @ Read Japanese Literature

Everything That’s Not Now Feels Like Fiction – An Interview with Aki Sasamoto @ The Offing

Casey Joiner via safelight paper

Frogfall by Kultisti